Little Mr. Maverick is baby number 4 but mama's first home-birth. This birth nothing short of breathtaking! He waited until the day after his due date to make his appearance. Mama's labor started as the sun was coming up. Labor progressed quickly! Mom and Dad worked together beautifully, with his words of encouragement guiding her through the waves. As the morning went on, all of her sweet boys woke up and realized it was the big day. With excitement, her oldest jumped into the roll to take care of his brothers while keeping them fed and quietly playing in their room. Of course, occasionally still checking in to make sure their mama was doing ok. The midwives arrived just as the contractions became more intense. They worked, hands on, to ease the contractions and talked mama through as she got closer to meeting her baby boy. Mama climbed into the birth pool to bring her baby Earth-side. She bravely pushed through each painful surge as her husband held her tight. All of her hard work finally paid off at 1:58 p.m. when baby Maverick was born. She reached down and pulled him up in between her and her and daddy. That moment was magical! Mama put him on her chest and the entire room was filled with laughter and joyful tears. Maverick's three, big brothers came rushing down the stairs to meet him. They all sweetly admired him and couldn't take their eyes away. From the endless support to mama's unwavering strength, this is a birthday I will never forget!